Jury report on the “Austria's most beautiful books 2021“ competition:
“UHU“ is at the centre of the works catalogue “Wir kommen total verklebt auf die Welt“ by Vorarlberg artist Marco Spitzar. However, the artist is less concerned with the connecting property of the well-known yellow adhesive than with its haptic and visual effects, which resemble a partial ultraviolet varnish. This effect has been recreated on the cover and allows the reader to experience the sculptural characteristics of the drawings. Heavy and solid cardboard wraps protectively around the contents, and it is all the more surprising that this book is actually a notebook based on simple thread binding. However, this stitching technique is not used pragmatically, but harmonises with the content and makes the pages open and turn marvellously. Here, space is created for a picture layout that varies from postage stamp-sized to almost page-filling illustrations. The heavy and firm cover, together with the exciting image layout and the thread stitching, create a consistent form that allows the artist's work to be experienced in a multitude of ways.
Limited edition of 250, signed by the artist _2021_34,5 x 28 cm_40 pages_Schönste Bücher Österreichs 2021